Volunteer Highlight: Robert Ochiai

Robert Ochiai’s son, Ace-K, has been with PBA since September, 2019.

He started singing when he lived in Tokyo, Japan. He was in the third grade when he started. Singing was offered through his elementary school by his school’s music teacher. He always wanted to be able to sing in English.

When they relocated to the Bay Area, they searched for a choir group and found PBA. Ace-K is currently a chorister in Cantori with Mr. Silva. Robert, has taken up kitchen towel duty as his volunteer activity for PBA. This activity enables him to go onto the PBA campus and help on a weekly basis. As a dad for the after school choir program, he found it easy to drop off his son in front of the school at 3:50PM and pick him up at 6:00PM, but he found himself wanting to know more about PBA.

Mr. Ochiai tried the snack duty, but it didn’t last due to COVID-19. Kitchen towel duty works because he can interact with other parents, teachers, and choristers just by going on campus to pick up and drop off towels. If any parent is looking for a way to get involved in PBA, signing up for a volunteer activity is an easy way to get started.

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