Day School Troubadors in Mozart’s Magic Flute at Livermore Valley Opera (March 2024)

PBA Boys Shine as “Three Spirits” in Mozart’s Magic Flute
March 2,3 & 9-10, 2024

Sold-out performances and enthusiastic curtain calls for 3 PBA day-school boys who appeared as “Three Spirits” in Mozart’s Magic Flute at Livermore Valley Opera! Congrats to our Varsity troubadors Giancarlo Padilla (14), Mac McNeil (13) and Brett Colvin (10) for their hard work and success.

Special thanks to Livermore Valley Opera and Artistic Director, Erie Mills, for this opportunity for Pacific Boychoir Academy!

“Three Charming Wise Young Boys Will Guide You”

The Three Spirits steer Mozart’s plot for the opera — performed as Andrew Porter’s English translation. The Spirits are foretold to appear as “three charming wise young boys” who will guide Tamino and Papageno to their brides.

Our Spirits warn that the men must “Be Steadfast. Be Patient. Be Silent” to attain their goal. They guide the protagonists into the Sacred Temple, offer them refreshments when they’re weary — and even thwart Pamina’s attempt to stab herself!

Special Thanks to High School Troubador Brenn Farrell






Day-school graduate Brenn Farrell understudied all three parts. Brenn attended every rehearsal for the opera — and indeed stepped-in for the final performance. Brenn sang with PBA’s Continuum ensemble in the ICHSA a cappella competition in El Segundo on Saturday night, and then appeared on the Livermore stage for Sunday’s matinee performance when one of our boys got sick!

Our PBA Boys Were Crowd Favorites!

Not only did our boys sound amazing, but the “Three Spirits” were crowd favorites!


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