8th Grader Brenn Farrell Ranks as “PBA Choral Scholar!”
Our newest Choral Scholar has finished his “Second Gray” theory card — completing PBA’s music theory curriculum!
PBA’s Esteemed Music Theory Curriculum
Brenn started with his “First Yellow” theory card at age 7. Like all PBA choristers, Brenn set himself to demonstrating that he could “Hiss for 8 Seconds” and “Find Middle C on the Piano.”
By age 13, Brenn was completing his final “Second Gray” card — analyzing music, practicing his conducting skills, and finally checking off “Write a 100-Measure Idiomatic Piano Piece!”
Brenn’s Place on PBA’s “Choral Scholars” Plaque
Brenn’s name has been added to PBA’s “Choral Scholars” plaque. He is the 5th chorister to complete the entire 12-card curriculum — in PBA’s 25-year history!
Musicianship & Perseverance
Brenn’s musicianship – and the commitment to complete all 12 theory cards – are tremendous accomplishments. Congratulations to Brenn and his family!