Testimonial Module Test

My son started at PBA in the fall of 2018 as a 4th grader and has had a wonderful experience.  He was not part of the after school program but the boys were very accepting of him and welcoming right from the beginning.  The teachers are very dedicated at the school and really work with the needs of each individual student.  The musical training is excellent as well. 

My son actually told me that he was amazed and happy to find other friends that were like him in interests. The boys are given many wonderful performance opportunities. Even with the shelter-in-place currently happening, the teachers have found creative ways to keep the students engaged and prospering. I highly recommend this school.

Anonymous Parent

Hear What Our Parents & Students Think

3 Column Version

…If you have a boy who would like a smaller school, I’d suggest checking out Pacific Boychoir Academy (PBA). It’s a secular, private choir school (no music experience necessary) with a very intimate elementary-grade 8 day school. It’s located in the Piedmont Ave area, just up the street from Oakland Tech. The tuition for elementary is very modest compared to the bigger private schools. The boys at PBA split their time between music and academics, and have the opportunity to sing and travel around the world. The kids I met there were astonishingly poised and all-around great kids.

Anonymous Parent

My son started at PBA this year in 3rd grade, came from OUSD. We happened to stumble on the school via a small ad in a local community paper. So if you’re reading this review, then congratulations! You are already like 8 steps ahead of where we were.

If you have a creative, sensitive, spirited boy at home, I HIGHLY recommend you look at single-gender schools. We were skeptical at first, but after tons of research and trying out multiple schools, we learned that public schools aren’t built for boys like ours. So we wanted an environment where he would thrive, not just survive.

The school? What an amazing difference! He spoke more about PBA in the first 3 days than he had in the first 3 years of K-2nd grade. The staff and boys welcomed him, and he feels like part of a larger school family, something he never felt at his other schools.

The PBA academics are differentiated, like an IEP for each boy. There is way more recess during the day (a HUGE plus for boys). The music program is literally world-class, and he’s happier, calmer, and more engaged both at school and home. Never in a million years did I think he’d be singing choral music in the shower… in Italian! Or asking me for help with his next spelling test.

There are boys enrolled from all over, from Alameda to Richmond to Walnut Creek. Speaks volumes of how strong the school is. Tuition is reasonable when compared to other private schools of similar academic and music output.

Danny G.

My son is entering 8th grade, after 3 years of after-school and 2 years at the day school.  We continue to feel it is a gift for him to be there.  He has developed musically, academically and emotionally.  The small environment is embracing and empowering and the teaching and music education is excellent.  Can’t say enough good things.

Anonymous Parent

Hear What Our Parents & Students Think

1 Column Version

I would like to offer a strong recommendation for Pacific Boychoir Academy. Our son is now in 6th grade at the day school. He started singing with the after-school choir in 1st grade. He loved the camaraderie of the boys and we were amazed at how the teachers and staff were able to teach all of the active boys not only to sing, but to learn self-control of their bodies and work on their listening and focusing skills!

We decided to give our son the opportunity for a small learning environment where he could thrive. Academically, we feel this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for him to be able to get the most solid foundation he can have before going into a larger high school (Berkeley High). Our daughter went through Berkeley Middle schools and did well, but we were concerned our active son would slip through the cracks and this school was too amazing to pass up. His academics are excelling in ways we didn’t anticipate: he is learning independence, time management, being taught in a more individualized way that allows him to learn about himself and how he needs to approach his academics in the future.

The camaraderie of the all-boys environment is fantastic. The boys are so welcoming to any new boys that join the group. They appreciate the differences of each boy and are totally supportive and engaged with learning to work together. I don’t know if this is a result of their musical education (many different voices working together), their parents, their teachers or the environment; but we love watching them play together and socialize.

The musical education they receive is outstanding. I grew up learning music and what these kids can do with sight reading, learning different languages in song, and the professionalism of working together, being respectful to each other and their teaching staff, and then performing in the larger community and continuing to grow in these skills is life-changing for these boys. They get to sing not only in small settings in the community, but also with larger groups at cathedrals, and with the Marin and the San Francisco symphonies. They are learning to be active, engaged members of the community and to get a chance to perform with these professional organizations and learn and observe from them is in incredible gift.

Finally, like any great organization, they are being supported (and we are being supported as parents) by the life lessons that are taught and instilled along the way: good manners, eye contact, life skills (table manners, changing tires, learning how to tie a tie!), professional behavior at a venue, and of course, being kind and respectful to others.

Every day when I drop my son off, he says how much he loves the school. And he was definitely nervous about attending a small school and leaving his friends from elementary school. I feel so lucky we found PBA and hope you consider giving it a look!

Diedre M.